“I am a Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.”
The great white north in all it’s glory. Canadians and Canadiana.
Chapter 34 Vital and Danny Thebeau
CHAPTER 34 Summer of 1975 My friend, Jack Moore was keeping a few horses; he told me I should have...
Harry Palmer -Photographer
A long-time supporter of the arts in Calgary, and our dear friend, Harry Palmer passed away this...
A Message For You Ch. 30 – Feel Good About Your Job! – Vital Thebeau
CHAPTER 30 The job that I enjoyed was working alone on the forklift - most of the time that was my...
A Message For You- Ch. 29 – Getting an Education!
CHAPTER 29 Sometime in 1972 the Department of Labour, said that we had to have a license to work...
The World Economy. One Graph.
Modern Totem poles and Haida House Replica. M O A. UBC
Contemporary house posts by Musqueam artist Susan Point, and poles by artists Bill Reid, Jim Hart, Mungo Martin and others as well as the replica Haida House. All installed between 1959 and 2000.
RCAF Snowbirds Training Sessions April 2018
Iphone 8Plus Video footage hacked together with Imovie, filmed from Kye Bay April 2018. Early Spring training in Comox BC
Day Out on the Courtenay Air Park Trail
5 Apps that mark your place! or do they?
In our tiny beachside cottage on a sheltered Vancouver Island bay, a stones throw from the water, I felt like the painting by Millais, The Boyhood of Raleigh, peering out into the Salish Sea wondering what was going on out there, a not too distant horizon of islands...