In this new era of multi-trillion-dollar federal expenditures on “infrastructure” and Covid relief...
The great outdoors. Preserving it, discovering it, and enjoying it.
The crisis of integrity-deficient science
Falsifying or ignoring data that don’t support conclusions or agendas is worse than junk science!...
Exiting the Mad Hatter’s climate tea party
Trump was 100% right (not just 97%) to show real leadership and walk away from Paris Paul Driessen...
Ignorance, intolerance, violence
Using junk science marches, ignorant professors, resistance and violence to drive public...
Solar ovens and sustained poverty for Africa
African families and hospitals cannot rely on limited solar power, instead of electricity Steven...
Green Energy Poverty Week
A week dedicated to topics that underscore impacts environmentalists don’t want to discuss Paul...
Trio of Northern Flickers
Deceived by Fraud, Insulted by Fiction
".... if the eyes of the spectators have sometimes been deceived by fraud, the understanding of the readers has much more frequently been insulted by fiction. Every event, or appearance, or accident, which seems to deviate from the ordinary course of nature, has been...
The World According to Peter Thiel
I recently finished Peter Thiel’s book Zero To One. As a whole, this work is an exercise in the type of thinking which, in Thiel’s view, leads to a successful start-up. Behind this, however, is the positive idea that we as individuals must create the future if there...
More Birds, Less Birds? Extinction or Expansion?
Billions of birds nest and raise their young in Canada and the majority are migratory. By 2010, bird species spending the entire year in Canada increased in population on average by 68% since 1970. On average, Canadian breeding bird populations declined by 12% between...
Global Food Security Act Leaves African Farmers in the Dirt
The American Congress recently passed the bipartisan Global Food Security Act, a $7 billion dollar project aimed at bolstering efforts to end hunger, malnutrition and poverty across the globe. Sounds noble, but this Act will most certainly not improve global food...