Iphone 8Plus Video footage hacked together with Imovie, filmed from Kye Bay April 2018. Early...
Technology is god.
Dear Regressives: Crackdown Is Not an Effective Way to Deal with Dissent
Over the last several years, the far cultural authoritarian left – termed today as the regressive...
Magnificent models from Ferrari, Bugatti, BMW and Jaguar are revealed as highlights of Bonhams...
Ben Rhodes spins climate change
“Climate refugee” claims reflect deliberate mendacity and belief that we and reporters are...
In Uber-less Austin, People Are Using Facebook to Find Rides
Something unsurprising but very interesting is happening in Austin, Texas. Last month, voters in...
Every editor a criminal, every writer a danger!
“Every editor, being assumed to be a criminally disposed person and naturally inclined to...
More Methane Mendacity!
Radical green and government agitators slam methane in latest bid to terminate fossil fuel use Paul Driessen Quick: What is 17 cents out of $100,000? If you said 0.00017 percent, you win the jackpot. That number, by sheer coincidence, is also the percentage of methane...
Are Electric Cars Really Green?
Like much of the renewable energy business, misinformation and dogma trump science and economics, as demonstrated in this fascinating video by Bjorn Lomberg. Have a look, tell us what you think! We met Bjorn Lomberg a few years ago In Washington D.C., an interesting,...
Bats Block Wind Farm
The Environmental Review Tribunal in Ontario has stopped a 27 Unit Wind Turbine installation in Prince Edward County, after concluding that the project would threaten the Little Brown Bat and the Blanding’s Turtle, both species at risk. Finally, eco projects are being...
The Barlon Bulletin, March 23, 2016
Did you know about Wallace? Well … There was William Wallace, he who refused to submit to English rule and in 1305 was hanged, disemboweled, and quartered for it. Makes you think twice about secession, I guess that’s after the fact though. How about Wallace of Wallace...
Very 20th Century
Overheard in Airport, 30 something, on a cell phone, carrying a laptop - "I'm headed to the office to get some work done"