Three TV obsessed writers/friends, with wildly different tastes, coming together to discuss, dissect, defend and destroy a television series they’ve only seen TWO episodes of – the Pilot and the Finale. The missing plot points, AKA donut holes (TVBITS, eh?), are then surmised using their extensive/excessive knowledge of TV. Shows are selected (semi) randomly.


Episode 4: “Ticking Clocks”

The Jack Bauer power hour comes to TV Donut. We talk about the use of ticking clocks as a plot device, Saskia’s enduring but confusing love for the series, and creepy old Dennis Hopper.

Jack Bauer, Director of Field Ops for the Counter-Terrorist Unit of Los Angeles, races against the clock to subvert terrorist plots and save his nation from ultimate disaster.

In this concept drama, each season takes place within one 24 hour period. Day 1: Jack Bauer is the head of field ops for an elite team of CTU agents who uncover an assassination plot targeting Presidential nominee David Palmer. Meanwhile, Jack’s strained marriage to his wife, Teri, is pushed to the brink by the sudden disappearance of their troubled teenage daughter. What will the next 24 hours hold?”

TV Donut is available for FREE on Soundcloud and the iTunes store.

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