Three TV obsessed writers/friends, with wildly different tastes, coming together to discuss, dissect, defend and destroy a television series they’ve only seen TWO episodes of – the Pilot and the Finale. The missing plot points, AKA donut holes (TVBITS, eh?), are then surmised using their extensive/excessive knowledge of TV. Shows are selected (semi) randomly.

Midwives on the Move!

Midwives on the Move!

Episode 3 “Babies, Babies, Babies”

The Gang discuss BBC smash hit Call the Midwife, as well as the joys of having 14 children in heels while smoking a cigarette. In other words “the good old days.” 

Call the Midwife follows a collection of nurses, midwives, and nuns working together in London’s rough and tumble East End during the 1950’s and 60’s. The series is an expansion of the autobiographical writings of Jennifer Worth. It’s a rich character drama that draws you in immediately, and has the uniquely British bonus of being watchable in it’s entirety in a single lost weekend. We highly reccomend.

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