Introduction January 1993
I had to have an operation for my prostate, the Dr. told me to stay off work for six weeks. When I came back from the hospital, I was listening to the TV. I was watching “Oprah”, she was telling the people how a millionaire lived, she was going to their home with the camera crew and she was showing us their houses. It was just like our house, there were pieces of clothes on the floor, same as we were doing at home and then she visited the home of an African American guy, and that man came from downtown New York. He started to work selling carpet, after he worked there for a few years, he decided to start his own business selling carpet, he was selling a $1,000,000.00 worth of carpet a year. He sold Bill Crosby carpet for his house; anyway I thought that was a good story not to forget. I never forgot what that guy done for him. My wife Rita and I have watched her show every chance we had, that was the best thing that ever happened to me because it inspired me to do something that I never thought I could do. I decided shortly after that to write my life story, I still watch her show. I was 64 years old at the time, I had just started raising Atlantic salmon, so that when I retired I would have a hobby and that hobby turned out to be a business.
Because of my education, I can’t spell anything, but I can talk. So the way I’m doing this, I bought a program called Dragon Speaking, all I have to do is speak to my computer and it will write for me. What I have written I am going to share with you, a chapter every week! I hope you enjoy it and I hope you will tell your friends, and maybe buy my book!
There is a button at the bottom of the page that makes that really easy, and if you do buy one, I thank you for helping my dream come true.
If you would like an autographed copy, let me know!