Work in the Mill, 1945

Work in the Mill, 1945

A Message for You Vital Thebeau Chapter 14 A friend of mine asked me if I would like to work in the saw mill for a few months, so I asked mom and dad if it would be ok to go. It was between Fredericton and Woodstock. They thought that would be ok. We left one Saturday...

Peeling Pulp, Doing Chores, Riding Bikes.

Peeling Pulp, Doing Chores, Riding Bikes.

"A Message For You" - Chapter 13 - by Vital Thebeau. 1944 That winter we didn't have any school, because there was no teacher. My brother Camille and I thought we should start cutting pulp. Camille was 12 years and I was 15 years old so we cut pulp through the winter....

Babies and Sleighs

Babies and Sleighs

CHAPTER 12 1943 That winter we had a lot of snow! If you had to talk to someone you would have to walk over to their house because there was no telephone. A neighbour of ours, her name was Alma Robichaud, was having a baby and she was having problems, my mother was a...

Priests & Bicycles

Priests & Bicycles

Chapter 11 - 1940 When I turned 11 years old, I joined the Monks of" Trappist"; I thought it would be a good thing to join. I thought perhaps I could become a priest. One of my cousins was a priest. His name was Louis Daigle and that was what I thought I could do. But...

A Message For You: Chapter 10

A Message For You: Chapter 10

Recipe for making poutine rape: it’s a recipe that was brought down from the early settlers, it’s made with potatoes and pork meat that is be cut fairly small 3/8 to 1/2 inch square. The amount of potatoes is roughly 12 big potatoes. We would peel them, and then grate...