CHAPTER 29 Sometime in 1972 the Department of Labour, said that we had to have a license to work...

CHAPTER 29 Sometime in 1972 the Department of Labour, said that we had to have a license to work...
A Message for You Vital Thebeau Chapter 14 A friend of mine asked me if I would like to work in...
"A Message For You" - Chapter 13 - by Vital Thebeau. 1944 That winter we didn't have any school,...
CHAPTER 12 1943 That winter we had a lot of snow! If you had to talk to someone you would have to...
Chapter 11 - 1940 When I turned 11 years old, I joined the Monks of" Trappist"; I thought it would...
Recipe for making poutine rape: it’s a recipe that was brought down from the early settlers, it’s...
My dad was a blacksmith and he was working in a small shop, he was working on a mowing machine for a team of horses, the machine was fairly heavy and you would have to sit on the machine. The wheels were made with cast iron steel with cork on them; the cork was to...
1940 We didn't have running water in the house; we had no bathroom or flush. All we had was an outhouse. The winter was pretty cold on the bum at times. We all enjoyed trapping rabbits, but we never sold any because we were keeping them for us to eat. We used to make...
1939 My father made wagon wheels, he had to find a way to measure a wheel, in them days they didn't have a measuring tape like we have today. I remember they had a wooden tape that was made with 12 pieces, 7 inches long that would unfold 6 feet in length. He made...
My father and mother were raising their own pigs. Every year they had too many for ourselves, so they would sell whatever they didn't need. They had two or three litters of piglets, when they reached the age of 6 or 7 weeks old they would sell the rest of them for...
1938 When we were older we never use to wear shoes, we were always running around bare feet in the summer time. I remember going to school in the month of May there was still patches of snow on the ground in the woods. There was a short cut through the woods and we...