My mother was an Avon lady. I loved it- the bag full of samples and brochures. To a Wild Rose,...
The great white north in all it’s glory. Canadians and Canadiana.
Canada Day with John Diefenbaker and “Old Tomorrow”
“I am a Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.”
Memory for Scripture
They would always hold service two or three times a day, using these texts and what they remembered of the sermon connected with them. Read More
Beach Architecture of the Pacific Northwest
Kye Bay B.C. Canada – Creative Beach visitors leave transitory traces of their presence. Some last all season, but winter storms wipe the canvas clean.
Chapter 32 Vital’s Humane Trap
I didn’t have any technology except my practical way of doing things. So I told them by pulling on the spring. If it is hard to pull it means that it would hit harder and that’s how I do it.
Doug & Lois Mitchell Outstanding Calgary Artist Award – Katie Ohe – 2020
Legacy Awards Calgary Arts Development 2020. Katie Ohe
Chapter 34 Vital and Danny Thebeau
CHAPTER 34 Summer of 1975 My friend, Jack Moore was keeping a few horses; he told me I should have one. I thought about it. I had a brother-in-law that had a horse he wanted to sell. I asked him how much he wanted for it, he told me he wanted $90.00. It was a nice...
Harry Palmer -Photographer
A long-time supporter of the arts in Calgary, and our dear friend, Harry Palmer passed away this month. When we think we know a story, it is easy to assume that the story is complete, that there is nothing more to uncover. However, Harry Palmer’s extensive...
A Message For You Ch. 30 – Feel Good About Your Job! – Vital Thebeau
CHAPTER 30 The job that I enjoyed was working alone on the forklift - most of the time that was my job - to keep this forklift going. The operators were very hard on them, they never took a course on how to operate the machine that made my job very hard, and we had...
A Message For You- Ch. 29 – Getting an Education!
CHAPTER 29 Sometime in 1972 the Department of Labour, said that we had to have a license to work in the mill, they wanted all the mechanics to have their industrial mechanic licenses. The Department of Labour, Bruce Baker told the superintendent, Dave Crosby that I...