In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their...
The ways we organize our world.
The Bonfire Plot: The Plot Uncovered
In the last part of our tale, we find Guy Fawkes, the brave Yorkshire man and experienced miner...
The Bonfire Plot – Part 4
"Hanged, Drawn and Quartered..." Only eight of the original Plot survived. On a cold Monday,...
The Bonfire Plot – Smoking out the Jesuits
Part 3: The True Mission of the Plot? Father John Gerard had already escaped by rope from the...
The Bonfire Plot: Part 1
"We must blow up the King and his Parliament..." In 1604 four men, Robert Catesby, Thomas Winter,...
The Bonfire Plot – Who Is Guy Fawkes?
Guy Fawkes: Also known as John Johnson,or as Guido Fawkes apprehended on Nov 5th 1605, under the...
Promoting Illusions
The social and political circumstances of the time are certainly of considerable significance, but their importance for the weal or woe of the individual has been boundlessly overestimated in so far as they are taken for the sole...
Out of Africa an entrepreneurial society emerges.
So whoever wins the presidential election should recognize that sub-Saharan Africa’s more than one billion people represent markets for American goods, Ichikowitz said. Positive outreach to Africa would also provide opportunities to bring African and African-American entrepreneurs together, given their common history of oppression. That would be true win-win-win.
The World Economy. One Graph.
Rape Facts and Falsehoods
Rape Facts and Falsehoods By James D. Agresti Abstract In this era of #MeToo and rampant sexual assault allegations, many media outlets, politicians, and scholars are misleading people about the prevalence of rape. They accomplish this by publicizing...
Little Pink House- A film with warnings, it triggered me!
LITTLE PINK HOUSE stars two-time Academy Award nominee Catherine Keener (Get Out, The 40-Year-Old Virgin) and Emmy nominee Jeanne Tripplehorn (Big Love, Basic Instinct). It’s based on Susette Kelo’s historic fight to save her home and blue-collar neighborhood from...