TRANSCRIPT: The reason internet feminism is vicious is... TRANSCRIPT: The reason internet feminism is vicious is...
Why is Caitlyn Jenner choosing to come out today? Simple. Today's also the day of the season 7...
Sister, dear Sisters. It's not even time for my noon complaints about being tired and...
Yes, that scene. You know the scene. Sansa gets married, and new husband Ramsey engages in...
Pong Wasn't Sexist -- Gender Signifiers in Early Gaming NEW: Watch my apology for this...
Speculation's been booming since Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn revealed in a...
"Wow! That sounds like a Philip K Dick story!" I didn't realize that I was talking to Morgan Lariah (@MorganLariah), one of the co-writers who together with Scotty Baker had written the script for The 5th Passenger. The film is billed as a sci-fi horror whose crew...
"Uno" Season 1, Episode 1 Aired 8 February 2015 Director: Vince Gilligan Writer: Vince Gilligan & Peter Gould Spoiler Alert! Seven years before Walt waltzed into Saul's office, our favorite... criminal lawyer will continue to be portrayed by the gravelly Bob...
I'd write an ode to leggings the most comforting of "pants",But a picture's worth a thousand words, a vis'ual dalliance.But then I'd have to take a photo, one or two or three,and put them up online to let the whole wide world in to see.Instead of celebrating thus and...
Man Ray's Tears was photographed c. 1930-1932 using a fashion mannequin as his model instead of a real woman. ...that's a mannequin? Are you sure? This mannequin is so realistic that I'm not convinced that it wasn't a real live model. With that in mind, let's take a...
Check out this Google Trends chart. It goes from the initial announcement of Windows 8 in September 2011 to the current month, January 2015 and shows the history of searches for "Windows 9" and "Windows 10". [thumbnail...