Iphone 8Plus Video footage hacked together with Imovie, filmed from Kye Bay April 2018. Early...
For the cinephile in all of us.
Help Launch “Kickstart My Heart”
Our team has a pitch in the running for Telus Storyhive, and we need your votes!
A Last Look at PsyBorgs
Today is your final opportunity to vote for PSYBORGS to receive additional Storyhive funding, and the
Meet The Psyborgs
If you weren't already aware, David Hiatt's PSYBORGS - a retro-futurist STORYHIVE digital short -...
Psyborgs En Route to Calgary
Calgary’s indie film crew has completed their Storyhive digital short PSYBORGS, but the battle for the full Storyhive funding is just beginning.
A Trekkie Nirvana. Great Minds at Work!
Some things just make you smile,and need to be done. This has to be one. Live long and prosper!

Official Release: TAKE ME HOME
“Take Me Home” has finished its festival run, and is being released for free public enjoyment on Vimeo.

Comedy Niche VOD SeeSo Launches Tomorrow
NBC’s digital streaming service SeeSo launches tomorrow after a month long beta.

Taco Shop Makes the Ultimate No Budget Ad
Frijoles and Frescas Grilled Tacos in Las Vegas has taken a late night break-in at their restaurant and turned it into a hilarious ad, social media sensation, and crime-stoppers PSA. Using security footage from the night of the break-in (and a little bit of their...

Harold Lloyd’s Christmas Tree
Silent film comedy star Harold Lloyd was a crazed Christmas lover. Using many trees roped together Lloyd built these enormous Christmas trees, then added an extraordinary collection of Christmas ornaments. Specs: 3 large Douglas firs wired together 20 feet High 9...

Sarah Troyer’s Balancing Act on Wolf Hands
Calgary actress Sarah Troyer finds a delicate balancing act in her portrayal of Wolf Hand’s Jenny Rose.