The great outdoors. Preserving it, discovering it, and enjoying it.

Tesla Discontinues 10-Kilowatt-Hour Powerwall Home Battery

Tesla Discontinues 10-Kilowatt-Hour Powerwall Home Battery

The economics for backup power alone just aren’t that attractive. Tesla has quietly removed all references to its 10-kilowatt-hour residential battery from the Powerwall website, as well as the company’s press kit. The company’s smaller battery designed for daily...

More Methane Mendacity!

More Methane Mendacity!

Radical green and government agitators slam methane in latest bid to terminate fossil fuel use Paul Driessen Quick: What is 17 cents out of $100,000? If you said 0.00017 percent, you win the jackpot. That number, by sheer coincidence, is also the percentage of methane...

Renewable Energy Mandates Same As A Tax On The Poor

If liberals in California and elsewhere were truly interested in the fortunes of the poor and the struggles of the middle class, they’d be striving to make energy cheaper. Instead, the policies that they and their allies at Greenpeace, Sierra Club, and elsewhere are...