The ways we organize our world.

The World According to Peter Thiel

The World According to Peter Thiel

I recently finished Peter Thiel’s book Zero To One. As a whole, this work is an exercise in the type of thinking which, in Thiel’s view, leads to a successful start-up. Behind this, however, is the positive idea that we as individuals must create the future if there...

Lammas Day Celebrations,

Lammas Day Celebrations,

  We are baking bread for Lammas Day- Aug 1st,  the festival of the wheat harvest, the first harvest festival of the year. In the medieval agricultural year, Lammas also marked the end of the hay harvest that had begun after Midsummer. At the end of hay-making a...

The Big Green job-killing machine

The Big Green job-killing machine

  Environmentalists wield powerful Endangered Species Act to kill jobs, impoverish families by Ron Arnold The abuse of environmentalist power to hurt people never stops. “Another one gone,” began the Lost Coast Outpost’s report in late January. A.A. “Red”...