A Joke

Three men on their way to an important business pitch learn their flight is canceled during a...



Evan Elberson is a writer, copywriter, and comedian based out of Chicago. He spends his spare time dabbling in wild flights of fancy, free-form mono-conversation, and biting satire of day-to-day mundanity. Evan has been kind enough to share them here with the Caotica...

IndieGame Addict: RedShirt

IndieGame Addict: RedShirt

Redshirt is a Facebook game set in a Star Trek homage. Not a browser-friendly all-ages Facebook game like Farmville, Redshirt is literally a social media simulator. Relying entirely on social expectations to provide conflict, it's one of the tensest games I've ever...

The Script Sandwich – Moonrise Kingdom

The time: Summer, 1965. The place: a fairy-tale New England that should have been but never was. Two young outcasts fall in love and run away to make a life for themselves, against the wishes of their family. Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola's MOONRISE KINGDOM is a tale...

The Script Sandwich – Looper

In a neo-noir future, assassin Bruce Willis travels through time to fight his younger, more Joseph Gordon-Levitt self. Explanations of time travel are mercifully sparse, but the action is just how we like it! Non-stop. We like our action nonstop, that's what we're...