In the last part of our tale, we find Guy Fawkes, the brave Yorkshire man and experienced miner...
Taxes under Constantine –
“A people elated by pride, or soured by discontent, are seldom qualified to form a just estimate of their actual situation. The subjects of Constantine were incapable of discerning the decline of genius and manly virtue, which so far degraded them below the dignity of their ancestors; but they could feel and lament the rage of tyranny, the relaxation of discipline, and the increase of taxes.”
Memory for Scripture
They would always hold service two or three times a day, using these texts and what they remembered of the sermon connected with them. Read More
The Bonfire Plot – Part 4
"Hanged, Drawn and Quartered..." Only eight of the original Plot survived. On a cold Monday,...
The Bonfire Plot – Smoking out the Jesuits
Part 3: The True Mission of the Plot? Father John Gerard had already escaped by rope from the...
The Bonfire Plot: Part 1
"We must blow up the King and his Parliament..." In 1604 four men, Robert Catesby, Thomas Winter,...
The Bonfire Plot – Who Is Guy Fawkes?
Guy Fawkes: Also known as John Johnson,or as Guido Fawkes apprehended on Nov 5th 1605, under the Houses of Parliamnent with hundreds of pounds of gunpowder and a handful of matches. Percy's man, 34 years old. Son of Edward Fawkes, proctor and advocate in the...
Cannon Fodder. Louis Ferdinand Celine.
Cannon-Fodder is an unfinished novel by the French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline. The largely autobiographical narrative is set before World War II, and roughly continues where Céline's 1936 novel Death on Credit ended. Much of the novel disappeared in 1944. Surviving...
Bastille Day. 1789. Today.
Bastille stormed by Paris mob. On this day n 1789, a mob advanced on the Bastille, the crowd captured the prison, an act that symbolized the end of the regime of Louis XVI
Things that you just don’t see much anymore…
Christopher Dresser letter rack 1881
Yoko Ono – Walking On Thin Ice – 3 track Cassette (Cassingle)
"You've just made your first number one Yoko" "Walking on Thin Ice" was released by Yoko Ono in1981. She and John Lennon finished recording of the song on December 8, 1980. It was upon their return from the recording studio to...