What happened to the tunes, bro?

Fred from Jupiter

war ein Traum vom einem Mann

Fred vom Jupiter, Fred vom Jupiter
Der Traum aller Fraun
Du machst mich schwach
Fred vom Jupiter, Fred vom Jupiter
Bleib für immer hier
Geh doch nicht fort

Help Make “Lemmium” Element a Reality

Help Make “Lemmium” Element a Reality

We lost Lemmy (Ian Kilmister) of Motorhead over the Christmas break, but advances in science have presented the perfect opportunity to honour his memory. The discovery of four new super-heavy chemical elements was announced this week, the first to be added since 2011....

Andreas Gabalier – Schlager Rules

Andreas Gabalier – Schlager Rules

He twerks in Liederhosen and is the top Schlager singer in Germany!  Great graphics and a real look. His new album Mountain Man was #1 in Germany   His Web site, well worth a look, is right here at Germany is the world's 4th largest music...

Taylor Swift Economics

Taylor Swift Economics

Margaret Thatcher famously said the problem with socialist governments is that, “They always run out of other people’s money.” Unfortunately, that’s true for almost all governments. Even more unfortunate, though, is that some people refuse to believe that government...