They would always hold service two or three times a day, using these texts and what they remembered of the sermon connected with them. Read More
Doug & Lois Mitchell Outstanding Calgary Artist Award – Katie Ohe – 2020
Legacy Awards Calgary Arts Development 2020. Katie Ohe
Chapter 34 Vital and Danny Thebeau
CHAPTER 34 Summer of 1975 My friend, Jack Moore was keeping a few horses; he told me I should have...
Ringo Starr’s Beaucoups of Blues
I bought this when it came out, 1970-71ish, and I've owned it ever since, I always heard Ringo had...
A Message For You Ch. 30 – Feel Good About Your Job! – Vital Thebeau
CHAPTER 30 The job that I enjoyed was working alone on the forklift - most of the time that was my...
A Message For You- Ch. 29 – Getting an Education!
CHAPTER 29 Sometime in 1972 the Department of Labour, said that we had to have a license to work...
The World Economy. One Graph.
Modern Totem poles and Haida House Replica. M O A. UBC
Contemporary house posts by Musqueam artist Susan Point, and poles by artists Bill Reid, Jim Hart, Mungo Martin and others as well as the replica Haida House. All installed between 1959 and 2000.
Little Pink House- A film with warnings, it triggered me!
LITTLE PINK HOUSE stars two-time Academy Award nominee Catherine Keener (Get Out, The 40-Year-Old Virgin) and Emmy nominee Jeanne Tripplehorn (Big Love, Basic Instinct). It’s based on Susette Kelo’s historic fight to save her home and blue-collar neighborhood from...
Elevator at Brant Alberta
6 Quotes: William F. Buckley, Jr. on collectivism, freedom, and power.
Today is the tenth anniversary of the death of William F. Buckley, Jr., founder of National Review and the father of postwar American conservatism. In his honor, here are six quotes by the inimitable writer on collectivism, freedom, and power. On government power (I):...