Our podcasts: straight from Caotica’s glamorous broom closet studios to your earholes.

TV Donut: Enlightened

Episode 8 “Ohmmmmm” – The gang give HBO’s Enlightened a second chance to impress. We discuss bathroom stall meltdowns, rock bottoms and how Jason Mantzoukas makes everything better. Namaste Donuts!

TV Donut: Eureka

Episode 6: “Science, Yeah!” – The Gang discuss all things Eureka, strong female characters, the minutiae of Time Travel and just how young we’re willing to get!

TV Donut: Greek

On the second “SPECIAL” episode the gang discuss all things GREEK: Clark Duke, Frat politics, and opening drinks with a strangers disgusting flip-flop.

TV Donut: 24

The Jack Bauer power hour comes to TV Donut. We talk about the use of ticking clocks as a plot device, Saskia’s enduring but confusing love for the series, and creepy old Dennis Hopper.

Harris Wittel’s Brilliance Will Make You Weep

Harris Wittel’s Brilliance Will Make You Weep

It's been close to a month since Harris Wittels passed, as hard as that is to believe. Comedian, writer, actor, producer, and musician, Harris was a widely talented man whose sudden death is all the more distressing given his recent success at rehabilitation. We're...

TV-Donut: Call The Midwife!

TV Donut: Six Degrees

TV DONUT: THE PODCAST Three TV obsessed writers/friends, with wildly different tastes, coming together to discuss, dissect, defend and destroy a television series they’ve only seen TWO episodes of - the Pilot and the Finale. The missing plot points, the donut holes...

TV Donut: HBO’s “Rome”

TV Donut: HBO’s “Rome”

TV DONUT A Podcast. Not a Donut. Three TV obsessed writers/friends, with wildly different tastes, coming together to discuss, dissect, defend and destroy a television series they’ve only seen TWO episodes of - the Pilot and the Finale. The missing storylines,...