For the cinephile in all of us.

TV Donut: Enlightened

Episode 8 “Ohmmmmm” – The gang give HBO’s Enlightened a second chance to impress. We discuss bathroom stall meltdowns, rock bottoms and how Jason Mantzoukas makes everything better. Namaste Donuts!

TV Donut: Eureka

TV Donut: Eureka

Episode 6: “Science, Yeah!” – The Gang discuss all things Eureka, strong female characters, the minutiae of Time Travel and just how young we’re willing to get!

Outrage Misses the Point of “That” Sansa Scene

Outrage Misses the Point of “That” Sansa Scene

  Yes, that scene. You know the scene. Sansa gets married, and new husband Ramsey engages in intercourse with the newly post-virginal Mrs Bolton. Cue the outrage! Sansa got raped, I'm never watch this show again, the showrunners are monsters, I'm triggered, etc.,...