Treksploitation: Requiem for a Trek

Treksploitation: Requiem for a Trek

     Star Trek is enormous. While it began life as an upstart series facing cancellation, it eventually assumed the mantle of pop-culture juggernaut. Over 5 decades, it's spawned a dozen various spin-offs and remakes. Its impact on both media and society cannot be...

Hulu’s Nostalgia Boom

Hulu’s Nostalgia Boom

Today internet TV service Hulu will begin streaming "Sailor Moon", bringing the series back to America after a long absence. And, of course, bringing it to tech-savvy Canadians cyber-squatting south of the border. Four episodes are to be released on the 19th, with two...

Whitey Kirst & The Web of Spyder

Whitey Kirst & The Web of Spyder

Whitey Kirst & The Web Of Spyder! With his latest studio album out, Whitey Kirst is rockin', with his rock and roll power trio, featuring Tommy Clufetos & Stefan Adika "It's just straight-ahead rock and roll. The long time Iggy Pop guitarist has been making...