Magnificent models from Ferrari, Bugatti, BMW and Jaguar are revealed as highlights of Bonhams...

Beauty is subjective, much like our opinions on beauty.
Magnificent models from Ferrari, Bugatti, BMW and Jaguar are revealed as highlights of Bonhams...
We have known Katie Ohe for many years, and we are so pleased to hear that five or her...
Salme Stories: A Mother's Journey Part 3 Reading further into my Mother, Salme's journal I find I...
Salme Stories – A Mother’s Journey Part 2 There is such unrest in the air today. Isis....
Man Ray's Tears was photographed c. 1930-1932 using a fashion mannequin as his model instead of a...
Boxing Day 2014. The 10 year memorial for the 2004 Tsunami that hit Asia and changed my family's perspective, and my career goal in music, forever. Through the Canadian Christian Children's Fund we were able to reach our foster son, Ishan, with letters and pictures a...
Recently I was at a meeting full of inspirational Women. We shared tips on how to fulfill our lives as Women in all roles: Daughter. Sister. Niece. Grand-Daughter. Student. Friend. Lover. Girlfriend. Woman. Wife/Partner. Aunt. Mother. Grand-Mother. Perhaps...
Margaret attended Comikaze 2014 in Los Angeles and stopped in her tracks when she found the EmmaLee Accessories booth and popped in to ask the vendor some questions. Caotica: Are you Emma Lee? EmmaLee Accessories: No, I'm Melanie. Emma is a former owner's niece, and...
October 28, 2014 is a day that will stand out in history for me. It was the day I could speak for the first time about my journey to my present. I wouldn't change a moment of my past because it gave me, and my Children, great strength that we may not have otherwise...
Empty Nesting. A term used to describe what it's like when all your children leave home either to pursue a career in University, or spread their own wings above the winds of their individual talents and dreams. Empty Nesting.The quiet after the storm. When couples who...